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We run a lifestyle blog that loves to party and fashion

Tips For Hiring Good Hair And Makeup Artists

One question that is sure to loom in every bride’s mind is how to select the best hair and makeup artist for her big day. While the task might seem quite easy initially, it takes a lot of time and good research to find the best among the various hair and makeup artists to make you look extremely special. Shared below are a few simple but helpful tips to make your search easier.

Social media is an ideal platform to search for a good and reputable hair and makeup artist. Go through the pictures posted by your friends of their wedding days to see if you like anyone’s makeup and hair. The next step is to get in touch with that friend and ask for the name of the artist. Getting recommendations from your friends or family is a good way of finding a reliable hair and makeup artist, rather than going through online listings blindly. Along with searching online, visiting your local market or mall is another good option you can try to find a makeup and hair artist. There would be many good artists in your local area that you can get in touch with.

By now you should have shortlisted a few good artists and you can move on to the next step, which is to ask them about their wedding makeup and hair packages, along with the price. Take a good look at the portfolio or previous work of the artist, as this will help you decide if he or she is capable of giving the kind of results you are expecting. Although price should not be a prime consideration when making such a vital decision, it is recommended to compare the costs of packages in order to find someone who is not only proficient in his work but is economical as well.

Once a good hair and makeup artist has been selected, make sure to schedule trials before the wedding day. While doing this it is not necessary to opt for the bridal look, as the purpose of asking for the trials is to know the artist, as well as his way of working. So if you have a big night out coming up, it could be a good reason to get a trial. Analyse how well the artist knows his job and does he listens to the suggestions you give.

Along with paying attention to his way and style of working, you should be able to build a comfortable bonding with the artist. You should not feel inconvenient sharing your thoughts regarding the way you want to look on your wedding day with him and he should be able to understand what you want and guide you accordingly.

It is common for brides to pay more attention to other things, like wedding dress and decor, way before the wedding, while little concern is showed towards hiring a makeup artist. Good hair and makeup artists can be booked months before the wedding and can give you plenty of time to decide a dazzling look for your special day.

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